Our guests will enjoy a fun filled day at their own Hawaii playground…
The theme is all “Pirate” with lots of treasure chests, skulls, ship’s flags and wenches.
Participants are divided into teams, with each team having a name (i.e., Maddogs, Wharf Warriors, Barnacles, etc.), team headquarters, captain and colorful T-shirts.
Team members will participate in different events receiving a “Piece” of their treasure map when a specific activity is completed.
When all of the activities are completed and all of the pieces in place…the treasure map will point the team toward the buried “treasure” full of…well worth the dig!! Naturally, every team interprets their map in a slightly different fashion so we end up with many excited, almost crazed people racing in different and digging at lots of various treasure sites.
Good Luck Mates and Matettes!